Cleaning a Sanding Belt

Cleaning a Sanding Belt
Have you ever been frustrated that your sanding belt has gotten backed up with resides and dusts? Instead of replacing them completely -- which is a hassle considering belts are not cheap and can push your work time back -- , cleaning them can help with the left over paints, finishes, or metal that are left on the belt. Cleaning your belts can ensure a longer lifespan, making your job more efficient an easy.
How to Clean the Belts
To clean a sanding belt, the best way is by using an abrasive belt eraser. A belt cleaner will work to clean and dress the belts being used, while expanding the lifespan of the belt by about 50%. They can also be used for all grits of sanding belts and materials as well -- zirconia, ceramic, aluminum oxide. To use the belt eraser, you hold the rubberized stick along a moving sanding belt to unclog it from all of the particles. The rubber material will not make your sanding belt smaller in size since it is very soft. Using a belt eraser can improve the efficiency of the belt and make the finishes and cuts much better. A belt eraser is highly recommended and easy to use. It will come in handy when you are contemplating throwing your belts away.
Consider using a grease stick before getting started on your project or using your belt. A grease stick will also improve lifespan of the belt and provide better cutting. You can reapply the grease stick to the belt if you start to notice that it is not cutting. The reason it can help with cutting is because it has abrasive grains which gives an extra cut along with the grits while also avoiding overheating. The grease or wax, when applied, is a thin and light layer to minimize friction. Applying a grease stick to a first time use belt will help you significantly to avoid clogging.
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