U.S. vs European Grading

U.S. vs European Grading
In and among our communications/correspondence/bulletins, we refer to "P-Grade", "CAMI", "FEPA". It has been pointed out to us that we cannot assume that all of you know what these terms mean.
"P-Grade" is an abbreviation of "FEPA" which is the European industry groups that sets the grading standards for grain, backing and all aspects of abrasives. If you note the letter "P" which precedes the grit number on all VSM products except Zirconium, this denotes that those products are fabricated to the "P-grade"or "FEPA" standards.
FEPA offices are in Europe at 39 rue St. Dominique, 75007 Paris, France. FEPA means Federation Europeeenne des Fabricants de Produits Abrasifs or Association of European Manufacturers of Abrasives.
"CAMI" is the North American counter part of FEPA. CAMI stands for "Coated Abrasives Manufacturers Institute". All manufacturers of coated abrasives in the USA are members of CAMI. This includes Hermes and SIA who also belongs to FEPA. CAMI is headquartered at 1230 Keith Building, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.
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